
What We Do


Beloved Winter Outreach

We have a passion to help our friends experiencing homelessness through cold exposure. We send a team when the temperature drops within our guidelines to check on people and deliver gear from 9pm-12am in dangerous weather. While Matthew served as an inner-city Pastor, this was the first outreach that eventually launched 20D Ministries. As long as Matthew is apart of 20D, we will always check on people during the depth of winter.

Street Ministry Outreach

We believe that everywhere we go as Born-Again Believers, Jesus gives us opportunities to love and minister to people. Often during warm weather, Matthew leads a team to different areas around Denver to facilitate such encounters.

Typewriter Outreach

Our Typewriter Outreach is very unique to 20D. Years ago, Matthew found people selling writings for $10-$15 each on the 16th Street Mall. Matthew asked God how we could redeem this and was led to purchase a typewriter and give away “free poems”. During the encounters, we ask God to show us something about the person who approached us and use that “poem” as a spring board for the Gospel. What Matthew loves the most about all of this process, is that the person gets to walk away with a tangible “poem” that is about that individual. Regardless of how the encounters go, we always write our website info on the back of the card.

Coffee Encounters Outreach

20D created a new outreach during the summer of 2022. When Matthew transitioned out of the Pastorate in August 2021, he desired to be around this beloved population group more, connect, share a cup of coffee, love well, and minister when God creates an opening. Simple.

How else Matthew ministers…

Matthew preaches/teaches in recovery homes, one on one’s, churches, etc.

As our Lord and Master has grown 20D every year, we believe that one day we will have a ranch to disciple men and a local warehouse in Denver to help process all Beloved Winter Outreach gear and other ministry needs for 20D.

Our heart is to follow Jesus in all that He is leading us to do and to encounter people, well.


Donate Cold Weather Gear

Cold weather gear guide

  • Sleeping Bags (highly desired)

  • Winter Coats

  • Wool Blankets (highly desired)

  • Gloves (highly desired)

  • Beanies

  • Scarfs

  • Socks

  • Hand Warmers

  • Belvita Bars

  • Bottled Water

  • Gift Cards

For your convenience, you can donate funds online to the General Fund and 20D will purchase the items needed. 20D is also willing to pick up in-kind donations as well. Email us to schedule a pickup: matthew@20dm.org.


To learn more about outreach, please contact Matthew: matthew@20dm.org